Magic Duels Wikia
Card name: Vildin-Pack Outcast
Mana Cost: 4Red
Converted Mana Cost: 5
Types: Creature — Werewolf Horror
Card Text: Trample

Red: Vildin-Pack Outcast gets +1/-1 until end of turn.
5RedRed: Transform Vildin-Pack Outcast.

P/T: (4/4)
Expansion: EMNC Eldritch Moon
Rarity: Common

Vildin-Pack Outcast

Card rulings (?)
2016-07-13 For more information on double-faced cards, see the Shadows over Innistrad mechanics article (

Dronepack Kindred

Card name: Dronepack Kindred
Converted Mana Cost: 5
Types: Creature — Eldrazi Werewolf
Card Text: Trample

1: Dronepack Kindred gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

Flavor Text: These new terrors will not recede with the setting of the moon.
P/T: (5/7)
Expansion: EMNC Eldritch Moon
Rarity: Common

Dronepack Kindred
