Magic Duels Wikia
Card name: Kessig Forgemaster
Mana Cost: 1Red
Converted Mana Cost: 2
Types: Creature — Human Shaman Werewolf
Card Text: Whenever Kessig Forgemaster blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, Kessig Forgemaster deals 1 damage to that creature.

At the beginning of each upkeep, if no spells were cast last turn, transform Kessig Forgemaster.

P/T: (2/1)
Expansion: SOIU Shadows over Innistrad
Rarity: Uncommon

Kessig Forgemaster

Card rulings (?)
2016-04-08 Kessig Forgemaster's first ability triggers once for each creature blocking or blocked by it. The ability resolves and deals damage to that creature before combat damage is dealt. If that damage destroys a creature blocking Kessig Forgemaster, Kessig Forgemaster doesn't become unblocked.
2016-04-08 The abilities that transform a Werewolf back and forth look at the entire previous turn, even if the Werewolf with that ability wasn't on the battlefield for some or all of that turn.
2016-07-13 For more information on double-faced cards, see the Shadows over Innistrad mechanics article (

Flameheart Werewolf

Card name: Flameheart Werewolf
Converted Mana Cost: 2
Types: Creature — Werewolf
Card Text: Whenever Flameheart Werewolf blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, Flameheart Werewolf deals 2 damage to that creature.

At the beginning of each upkeep, if a player cast two or more spells last turn, transform Flameheart Werewolf.

P/T: (3/2)
Expansion: SOIU Shadows over Innistrad
Rarity: Uncommon

Flameheart Werewolf

Card rulings (?)
2016-04-08 Flameheart Werewolf's first ability triggers once for each creature blocking or blocked by it. The ability resolves and deals damage to that creature before combat damage is dealt. If that damage destroys a creature blocking Flameheart Werewolf, Flameheart Werewolf doesn't become unblocked.
2016-04-08 The abilities that transform a Werewolf back and forth look at the entire previous turn, even if the Werewolf with that ability wasn't on the battlefield for some or all of that turn.
2016-04-08 To trigger the Werewolf's back face's transform ability, a single player must have cast two or more spells during the previous turn. If multiple players each cast just one spell during the previous turn, the ability won't trigger.